Our Services

We offer you all the services available on the web. And we try to offer them at the lowest possible cost. Few are listed below.

List of services offered.

We are revolutioning the website wth our corporate services at the lowest cost possible. If you do not find any service listed below please do contact us for the same.


Cheap Domain Registration

We offer you domains at the lowest cosst possible. If you you find some thing lower that what we offer please let us know so that we can offer you some thing better that this.



Cheapest Web Desiging.

We assign a webdesigner who will take care of you desiging needs. We also setup a website cordinator to cordinate between the designer and you.


Corporate Hosting Services.

We offe you complete hosting solution on linux servers, There is no limit on any any part of the hosting. Unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited e mail account,Unlimited database,Unlimited FTP, Unlimited Suppot..


Chat and Email Services.

We offer you a live chat rep for your website 24x7. Also Offer email support services. And we offer this chat services at the lowest cost possible.Click Hear to find more.


Domain Names

Web Hosting

Chat Tool.

No limit Hosting

No Advertizements

Designing Services

Chat and email services.